Julie Chen
Founder & Creator of Games
Hi guys! I’m a former graphic designer and I always wanted a way to express myself using my art. Seeing that I’m also a huge board game aficionado, it seemed inevitable that I’d one day design my own games. Additionally, I’m a foreign language teacher and linguist fluent in English, Mandarin Chinese and Korean. My PhD is in Linguistics (Phonology).
Favorite Games: Decrypto, Deception: Murder in Hong Kong, Splendor Duel
Favorite Desserts: Macao Egg Tarts, Italian Gelato, Korean Patbingsoo
Mascot, Hawberry Games
Yooo it’s me, Zappy! I’m Hawberry Games’ mascot and I was created during the creation of the party game Emotional Intelligence. Essentially, I represent all of the emotions you may have while playing our games. I’m cute and I have many faces. See me on the game boxes and at conventions!

Brand Dog, Hawberry Games
Before Zappy, it was me, Marbles. I accompanied Julie when she was designing her very first game, Cake Auf. Here you can see me inspecting the first two prototypes back in the early months of 2021. Zappy is cute, but I’m the real MVP.